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Love thy Groomer

As a young business owner, I was very competitive. I felt I was the best, my shop was the best, and my grooming was the best. I did not care to associate and/or support the fellow groomers in my area. My arrogance and attitude, as I look back, were not my best qualities. The things I could have learned from my peers, and the possible friends I could have made, are a regret I have now, as a wiser, kinder, gentler person. I remember being so upset, really upset, that a competitor got a weekly spot on a local news channel discussing grooming topics. I turned all sorts of green, huffing and puffing how that should have been our shop doing that segment. I ridiculed their grooms and called them mediocre. That is how I labeled them. I am very ashamed that I felt that way, and behaved that way. The truth is they were helping us and all groomers, by educating pet parents on a variety of subjects. And as I always say now, there are enough pets out there for everyone. With o

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